Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Summer Vacation is officially here!

We traditionally end the school year by getting together as a staff for lunch. This year was no different. We met at the home of one of our teachers, and had a great time enjoying each other's company. This year we had a group of staff that decided they needed to form a Barry Manillow fan club complete with T-Shirts. They even coerced Fr. Jarrett to join in, the poor soul. Of course, many of us "younger" folks decided that we could not just stand by and watch. We ended up with a Journey group, complete with our own T-Shirts with "Just Say No to Barry Manillow" on the back. It was a fun way to end the school year, and next time we'll make sure to snag Father before they do. Oh yeah...and we had a bigger group!

Today was my first official day of summer vacation. And you'll never guess what I spent my first day doing....CLEANING!!! LOL! Oh well, I felt like I got a lot accomplished.


amyz said...

Have a great summer! See ya next year! :rofl: